This update has new and updated Capcom sprites, some fixes and additions to earlier updates, and a new video!

Mega Man – Roll (Classic)
Street Fighter – Chun-Li (in her brand-new Street Fighter 6 outfit), Street Fighter 2010’s Kevin Straker
Final Fight – Mike Haggar Final Fight 2
G.I.JOE – updated Cover-Girl, Doc, Quick Kick (made taller). Also added some section links at the top of the gallery so you can get to the sections more quickly.

Capcom: Street Fighter 2010
DC Comics: Wonder Twins

As usual, all these new things have been added to the main Image Generator, where you can make (and right-click save) your own images like the one at the top of this news post!

I also made a video that recaps what I’ve posted and made during the first half of 2022. This includes some things I haven’t shown until now, including animations and video project previews (though I’m still holding back a bit here). This just might turn out to be a yearly thing, so I gave it the name of HalfTime.

BTW: the video uses the SMB regular reconstructed font by TheWolfBunny. It’s mad solid and has a lot of characters other pixel art-based fonts lack. Here’s where you can get it for yourself:

Those G.I. Joe sprite updates and that G.I.JOE HQ clip you saw in the HalfTime video’s “lab” are prep work for the “Yo Joe June” update later this month, which will include a few more G.I. JOE sprites! Currently working on more replacements of the old Capcom sprite edits and more “Original 13” (the original 13 members of the G.I.JOE line-up). Stay tuned!

There’s currently a Kickstarter campaign for a Ninja Baseball Spirits comic book! Yes, the Ninja Baseball Bat Man beat ’em up legend is fighting get it’s due right now, but the campaign still needs help to reach its goal. The comic has an all-star line-up of people who appreciate beat ’em ups, including Drew Maniscalco (the original creator of Ninja Baseball Bat Man), writer Dave Cook (“Go Straight: The Ultimate Guide to Side-Scrolling Beat ‘Em Ups”), and artist Steve Gregson (BPM: Beatdowns Per Minute). The comic will be available in digital and physical forms and there’s a wide array of extras for higher tiers, some including the beat ’em up-based BPM comic as a bonus. There are sample pages and artwork on the Kickstarter page, so check it out and give ’em a pledge if you’re interested (yes, I’ve got my pledge in already)!

Custom Sprites: Finally, every character in the Marvel and DC gallery that only had a sprite edit based on a Capcom fighting game sprite now has a sprite I made from scratch. I’ve been working toward this goal on the side for a while, but I just decided to clear them all out before 2021 ended. Some of these new sprites are exact or close replacements for the old poses, but not all of them. The edits for those characters who weren’t originally in the games will be removed from the Image Generators.
Megaman: Megaman classic – redid the Rockman 1 title screen pose from scratch, Elecman (NES stance), Dr. Wily, and (by popular demand) Yellow Devil
Run Saber (new separate gallery): Allen and Sheena, new scratch-made idle sprites
DC Comics: Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Red Tornado, Green Lanterns Guy Gardner, Arisia, Katma Tui, Kilowog, and a new Justice League group sprite with the Brave and the Bold #28 line-up.
Marvel Comics: Archangel, Havok, Professor X, Psylocke, Rogue, X-23, Doctor Octopus, the Lizard, and new group sprites of the Avengers (issue #1) and the X-Men (Konami beat ’em up playable roster)
Masters of the Universe: new Skeletor sprite (with Havok Staff)
G.I.JOE: all-new scratch-made Quick Kick

Atlus: Run Saber
Marvel Comics: Archangel, Professor X
DC Comics: Blue Beetle, Red Tornado

ToyBoss: Added a page for my first custom figure in FIFTEEN YEARS and first custom Marvel Legend has been added to the page, the Red Skull in his business suit (as seen in Data East’s Captain America and the Avengers)!

All sprites (except for the group sprites) have been added to the image generators, along with:
– the Comic Book arcade background being added to the main generator (Group, Vs., MvC Ending, Comic 88×136, Boxes).

Last, but definitely not least, there’s a Wrap-Up video on the ScrollBoss YouTube channel! The vid is a mix of clips from my 2021 videos (the Superhero Showcade with Iron Man and Batman, Beat ‘Em Up Showcade 2021, DangerTerrorHorrorThon, and more), a few updated clips (The Gotham villain scroll no longer has Bane in it), and some all-new clips, including some with the sprites in today’s update:

It’s been a tiring year (online and off), so I’m going to get some rest for a while. Thank you for coming through, I hope you have a great remainder of 2021, and I’ll see you on the other side of New Year’s Eve!

My original plan was to post yesterday’s sprites together with these two clip compilations today, but I just felt like splitting them up. These clips in each compilation were different reasons, including early promo vids, for learning how to use Anime Studio (now Moho), and for the upcoming Superhero Sprite Showcade or Comic Book Showcade (I’m still undecided on that right now).

The Marvel video is a mix of official Capcom sprites with my fan pixel work with a sprinkle of Data East’s Avengers game with the second Onslaught BGM from Marvel vs. Capcom as background music. The DC vid is all my work, including unfinished music I’m working specifically for the Showcade videos. Please forgive any sound issues, I’m currently using some cheap temporary speakers, so I couldn’t fine tune the audio before uploading.

Also: a gallery of custom portraits for Capcom’s X-Men: Children of the Atom is now up, with an improved Deadpool portrait and a newly converted Batman portrait, both with art by Jim Lee (like most of the portrait art is in that game).

Those portraits are also in the GFX Generator so you can make your own fake screenshots with them!

The Anniversary celebration finally wraps up tomorrow!

For the first time in the year 2020, THE NEWNESS IS ON!

Custom Sprites:
Sonic series: Tails
Shinobi series: Karasu (the Revenge of Shinobi)
Spawn: Spawn (original outfit)
Marvel Comics: Spider-Woman
DC Comics: Starfire

BTW: the last three galleries are linked in the looong-overdue Comic Books Custom Sprite gallery hub.

Mini-logos: McFarlane: Spawn, Sega: Tails

All new sprites and mini-logos were added to the image generator, along with two Image Comics covers added to the 88×136 pixel option (even though the Spawn sprite is way too tall to fit in the cover).

Finally, here’s a short video teaser for some of the things I’ve been working on for the site, future videos, and more.

What the things in the video mean will be explained as I get to them, because it’ll be a hell of a lot easier to show you than explain. In the words of Guru, “Peace out, we’ll be back, stay tuned.”

One last update in 2018 with a bunch of unused stuff and to set the stage for 2019!

Custom Sprites:
Final Fight: Carlos, Lucia
Marvel Comics: Daredevil, Taskmaster, Mockingbird
DC Comics: the Question

Thanks to actress/martial artist/cosplayer Kimberly Root who came up with the pose during Free Comic Book Day at All American Comics (Warren location)!

Mini-logos: Mockingbird added to Marvel gallery

The Daredevil and Question sprites are in honor of two comic book greats we lost in 2018: Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

My plan to have more videos didn’t work out the way I’d hoped (though the really short Black Panther video turned out nicely), but I’ve put together a video with some unfinished work, including something I’ve shown teasers for in TWO year-end videos.

That third part of the video is a big reason why there weren’t that many new sprites added to the site this year. I spent a bit of 2018 working on animations you haven’t seen yet and, let’s be real, if I show them on this site before I put them in a video, they’ll be in someone else’s video before mine (with no credit). Not that I’m bitter or anything. Truth is, getting ripped off is part of what inspires me to want to make videos. Let’s see if 2019 is the year that I finally start finishing some videos!

Public plans for 2019:

  • Animation (and showing it this time) and video. I didn’t show everything in that Unfinished Business video, so some long-percolating animation and video projects will show up in 2019.
  • The Revenge of 1989: 30th anniversary edition!
  • Bring back the missing Crossup Beatdown
  • More prints, including the upcoming custom print program where you get to pick what goes into a one-of-a-kind print. Imagine being able to choose who’s in the 2018 Horror Fighter print, including a customized roster.

    More info on that next year!

That’s enough of all for 2018! Thank you for coming through to check out the site and I hope you have a Happy New Year!

The last day of anniversary updates is only one thing: another video. The opposite of video posted on Wednesday, all the clips are my custom sprite work. You’ll see a lot of old clips, but a few have some additions (including one really sneaker, er, sneaky one). A few clips were rendered right before I rendered the final video. Again, you’ll see some sprites that aren’t in the galleries yet.

As trying as this year has been for me, and I know I’m not alone out there (puts on Dusty Rhodes-like sunglasses), one of the things other than friends and family that kept me going through the rough spots is seeing people enjoy the site, the sprites, the prints and the posts I make elsewhere. I hope this weird place makes the load on your shoulders feel a bit lighter, even for a moment, in the same way that the games (and comics, cartoons, toys, movies, etc.) this site honors make me feel when I enjoy them. Thank you and I hope you’ve been enjoying the site!