Merry Christmas from Miss Santa (really, Wonder Woman, but don’t tell anybody), Santa Gilius, Haggar Claus, Santa Bison, and Kram-Poison (idea by @Myruh_Ret2 on Twitter last year) and I, PrimeOp. May it, or any other holiday you celebrate this time of year, be a good one!

All of those sprites have been added to the main image generator (which I used to make that screenshot). Yes, even the older sprites you’ve seen before, because I kept forgetting to add them.

Shake a hand, shake a hand, because it’s that time of year again! I can’t afford to give out toys to all of my friends, so I make an update based on my favorite toys (mostly from the 80s), including toys based on preexisting licenses. This year, G.I.JOE and Masters of the Universe made some strong comebacks, even if some were ridiculously hard to find on store shelves. That’s enough from me, go open your presents!

G.I.JOE: Clutch (v.1 toy, v.1 comic, v.2 tan recolor)
Street Fighter: Chun-Li, Ken and M.Bison (all G.I.JOE figure v.1, made from parts of preexisting Joe and Cobra bodies with new heads)
Masters of the Universe: Zodac (last figure needed for original line-up of figures), Hordak (highly-requested)
Thundercats: Tygra (finishing the original crew of adult Thundercats who weren’t ghosts, sorry Jaga)

All new sprites added to the main image generator!

Whatever it is that you’re celebrating this time of year, I hope it’s a great time for you!

BTW: this WON’T be the last site update for the year… stay tuned…

Rob “Dire51” Strangman, video game book author, creator of the OPFCG and Splatterhouse: West Mansion, Ghoul Realm, all-around good guy, and one of my favorite people in the gaming community, needs our help.

GoFundMe: Rob Strangman – ongoing medical needs

All is not perfect, however, and things are not the same as before. The tests revealed that things are more dire for Dire51 than we expected. His liver is seriously damaged and is not functioning well. His bloodloss has been halted, but his hemoglobin counts are not recovering despite several iron infusions. There has been some mention of possible bone marrow problems. He has kidney damage, and the high ammonia levels in his blood have caused some mild trouble with short term memory.

Rob’s current medical bills are right around $8000 so far, and mounting. Rob has further appointments with the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville for additional testing and hopefully to be approved for placement on the transplant list. Funds donated will be used for medical expenses, prescriptions, and transportation to appointments. We are down to one, very well used vehicle that already needs about $1000 of work for shocks and new engine mounts. The right front wheel has also started a grinding noise and we’re worried it may be the bearings. If there is enough, we will repair the car as well.

If you don’t want to, or can’t afford to donate, please consider sharing this fundraiser. Or, buy a copy of his book “Memoirs of a Virtual Caveman”. The book is available on Amazon, but if you buy your copy on Lulu, Rob will get a larger portion of the proceeds.

Lulu link: Memoirs of a Virtual Caveman

Both Rob and I thank you for anything you can do, and we sincerely appreciate your kindness and friendship, regardless.

I know this year’s been really tough on a lot of us and the load we’re carrying feels heavier than usual. But if you can afford to help, please consider contributing to help Rob get through this. If you don’t have the money to spare, share a link to the GoFundMe campaign so it can reach someone who can give. The fact that we need to have each others’ backs is more glaring than ever this year, and this is one of those situations where we can help. Thanks for reading and please do what you can to help Rob and his family.

GoFundMe: Rob Strangman – ongoing medical needs