Five days of horror begin here!
The DangerTerrorHorrorThon 2017 begins with sprites from a game that’s been requested for a long, long time. Finally, IT’S TIME TO HUNT.
All-new fighter-scale sprites of Lynn Kurosawa, Dutch Schaefer, Predator Warrior, Predator Hunter and Alien Warrior have been added to the new Aliens vs. Predator gallery. Mini-logos for Alien, Predator, and Alien vs. Predator have been added to the movie mini-logo gallery. The Alien Stalker’s standing anim and a sprite of an Alien Defender were added to the AvP game sprites gallery.
All custom sprites and mini-logos have been added to the fighter-scale image generator, along with a new AvP background based on stage 2. The “Group 384×224 w/ writing” now has the 16 x 16 AvP arcade font, too.
Finally, a new print has been added to the shop:

From now until October 31st, all horror-related prints are on sale! 8×10 and 8 1/2 x 11 prints are $5.00 each and 17 x 11/14 x 11 prints $8.00 each!
The horror continues this Saturday with an update themed around the living dead!
Friends gettin’ Spooky:
Arcade Quartermaster just dropped an update with four new coin-op shrines: Schmeiser Robo, Superior Soldiers, Dragon Master and (perfect for the season) the Real Ghostbusters!
Prince of the Iron Fist will be playing Data East’s cult-classic beat ’em up “Night Slashers” this Friday night, so tune in there if you want to see zombies get pummeled to pieces!
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Alien vs. Predator, DangerTerrorHorrorThon, pixel art print
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