October’s here and the creepy times have begun, so I’m making some additions, improvements, and whatnot before the HorrorThon returns at the end of the month.

Custom Sprites – Friday the 13th: The part 6: Jason Lives version of Tommy Jarvis has been added to the gallery, including a version with a rifle on his back like “Friday the 13th: the Game.”
GFX Generators: More minor fixes, including things that only caused errors in the test version of generator on my hard drive and a layout message that basically said “Remove this text once you switch folder names.” *shrugs* Hey, I told you that site work tired me out! Here are some fun new things:
Zombies (Illmosis): I moved the zombie sprite from “Monsters (Illmosis) to its own character slot just to make it less confusing where you can find that zombie sprite in the generator, and the first “shadows” option in the extra palettes should work correctly now. I also added more extra palette options (flesh, shirt, and lower cloth) so you can fully customize how it looks.
Last but not least, I’ve got another short video for you featuring most of my Friday the 13th pixel art. It doesn’t have enough to be its own Sprite Showcase yet, but it’s REALLY close now. It’s almost like the video I posted on social media earlier this year, but all the shots except for the NES roster clip have been updated and a brand-new shot to close out the video.
See you later this month for… well, you know.