Breaking News:

Chronicles of Mystara, an enhanced collection of Capcom’s D&D hack-n-slash games, is now available for PS3, Steam and X-Box 360:

I’m actually waiting to see which version (PS3 or Steam, that is) most of my friends get before getting it myself.

There’s a huge LittleBigPlanet sale on PSN this week. The games, the add-on packs and the costumes are at some very fine prices right now. This is the perfect time to get either a game that’s missing from your collection, the add-on packs that you’ve held off on getting before or those “Man, I want a few parts from that pack, but really don’t want the whole thing” pack. A digital version of LBP2 is only $10. $10! A ton of the bigger costume and minipack sets, including the Street Fighter costume pack, Ghostbusters, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus pack and Marvel costume packs 1 through 4, are $2.99 each. Sadly, the Sonic the Hedgehog pack isn’t on the list. I picked up the two of the early Marvel packs I was missing along with the SF pack, and I’ll probably be getting more before the sale’s over.

Also, don’t forget to download the free Summer Creator pack before the PSN shop updates next week!

I just got my first set of instructions for my next paid activity book art assignment and gigs like this need nearly all of my free time. Due to this and the shift in its schedule, most of my plans for the huge anniversary update (July 19th) just can’t be done. A few things were finished ahead of time, so it won’t be completely barren. If you want to know when the updates hit, please follow the weblog’s RSS feed, Twitter account and/or the Tumblr. I’ll still be at the All AmeriCon convention in Warren, Ohio on July 7th, though, so don’t forget to stop by my table if you can make it there!

Another Super-update on the day that Man of Steel hits theaters! How’s that for half-buttocked synergy?


There are now so many “Superman – battle hover” sprites that I had to give them their own gallery. I added more Superman variants, including classic Earth-2, Superman Red, Superman Blue, ’90s hair (or mullet, if you want to hurt his feelings) and Atari 2600. I also added the Samaritan from Kurt Busiek’s Astro City (an excellent, highly-recommended comic that just started up again) and Apollo from the Authority. I also added an old Whizzer edit to the Squadron Supreme/Sinister group character. This update’s bonus super-character is Sonic the Hedgehog in Super Sonic form and that’s in the Sega gallery.

GFX Generators – An edited Superman stage from Justice League Task Force (SNES) was added to the background-choosing modes of the Vs. and GroupShot generators. Sonic the Hedgehog and Superman were updated with their new sprites (Supes also got some new palettes) while Apollo and Samaritan were added to imprint subsections of the DC area (even though Wildstorm isn’t separate anymore).

If you missed last week’s update, check that out for the earlier Superman sprites (even Sunsoft’s Sunman got into the mix) and other info.

Some of Superman’s supporting cast members and enemies popped up during the comic updates a while ago, but I saved the Man of Steel himself for this update.

Custom Sprites – One scratch-made of Superman goes a looooong way. I edited it into a few Superman-like characters and here’s how they’re arranged in the custom sprite galleries:
DC Comics – Superman, Captain Marvel, Icon, Ultraman
Marvel Comics – Gladiator, Hyperion
Sunsoft – Sunman (Never heard of his game? Learn about it from the Lost Levels website)

Mini-logos – Icon was added to the DC Comics section, Gladiator was added to the Marvel section, Sunman was added to the Sunsoft section and Beans vs. Cornbread was added to the Illmosis section (more on that in a bit).

Those sprites and minilogos were added to their characters in the GFX Generators.

If you play LittleBigPlanet 2 and want some DC and Marvel shape items like the Superman symbol, the Avengers A and the recently-added Eye of Agamotto, check out and queue my item giveaway level on and snatch ’em up.

BTW: be sure to check out Arcade Quartermaster to check out the new comic-related shrines, including that Superman arcade game from Taito, the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon arcade game and the Neo Geo Eightman game.

So, that “the War Begins Again” project I’ve been talking about for a while is now live and it’s an all-new version of the Beans vs. Cornbread site with the first page of the comic and a bit more. I’ll need to concentrate on BvsC and preparing for the All-Americon convention in July, so this site is going to be a bit quiet until ScrollBoss’ 13th anniversary on the July 19th. There’s also a possible month-long commission project on the way as well, so I’m going to be all-around busy for a while. You still might see a few tune-up posts here and there before then, but there won’t be any big updates.

Naturally, the July 19th update will feature some new scratch-made sprites and the focus will be on game characters. While I have a few planned and sketched out, I’d like to hear if there are any characters you want to see sprites of in the anniversary update. They need to be characters originally from platform, beat-em-up or action rpg games from the 16-bit era and don’t already have a custom sprite in the custom sprite galleries. You can leave a response in the comment section here, on the Tumblr, or tell me on Twitter.