GFX Generators – A bug in the third menu screen that messed up the ability to choose character directions has been fixed. Also, three backgrounds from the Neo Geo Double Dragon game (Billy, Marian, final stage) have been added to the variable backgrounds in the GroupShot and VsMaker generators.

Gamelist – I updated my gamelist, which had and still has a ridiculous amount of holes in it. Scott Pilgrim, WWE 12 and Tron Bonne weren’t even in it, for crap’s sake. I’ll have to do a more serious inventory check on of these days and get around to the Steam stuff, too.

Two new additions to that list, Namco Museum 1 (finally!) and Steel Harbinger, came from Budd Street Video, a great video game and movie spot in Sharon, PA. I also picked up some DVD’s: Ong-Bak, Tai Chi Master (Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh) and CyberTracker 2 (because Don “the Dragon” Wilson is why). Gamers in that area should check it out. That’s another reminder that I need to make a page for all of the really great local used game stores I know, including Endless Electronics in Niles, OH and Splitstone Entertainment in New Castle, OH.

One more thing: I’ll be at All-American Comics (Warren, Ohio) this Saturday to take part in the NCG Penn-Ohio Spring Fling Game Expo on Saturday, April 13th. I’ll be selling art prints and I’ll have some previews of a few things with me. Updates will continue to be kinda thin as I concentrate on getting that “War Begins Again” project up and running.