Celebrating the debut of Marvel’s new Luke Cage series on Netflix by adding new sprites of Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and…

Dammit, it ain’t about you today, Johnny! Anyway, all sprites are in the Marvel and Midway Custom Sprite sections, new minilogos and all of that has been added to the the fighter-size GFX Generator!

So I went to make the above quick pic for Castlevania’s 30th anniversary (using the GFX Generator, of course) and noticed something odd. Sypha and Grant weren’t in the Konami section and the Belmont character didn’t have the Trevor sprite I’d made a while ago. All those things have been fixed now. While I was at it, I’ve uploaded the latest version of the GFX Generator engine with a few fixes here and there (some shadows look a bit off, but I’ll work on that) and the character switcher on the preview page:

Thanks to the way I wrote the new engine, I can add more things to that last-minute modifier section in future updates. Sorry for not having more new Castlevania sprites for today (the anniversary snuck up on me), but I think most of you know you’ll be getting some about a month from now.

Last, but not least, multiple pixel donations from Tonner Topper (thank you!) were added to the Sprite Rips and Sprite Edit Pack pages. Anyone looking for CPS2 bg effects should check out those custom packs on the Sprite Rips page!

That’s not the only thing going on here this week, though! Come back in a few days for an…

… early Christmas.

edit: as more proof that I work on this site when I’m half-asleep, I mistakenly had Topper’s name as Tonner when this was originally posted. I’m very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sorry for messing up on that and it’s now fixed.

When the 25th anniversary of Bare Knuckle’s debut in Japan hit, I didn’t have the time for a big update (plus, I’ve been kinda celebrating in stealth mode for the whole year, but it’s not too stealthy to say that), so I’m making up for it now, the 25th anniversary of the game’s U.S. debut under the Streets of Rage moniker.

Streets of Rage versions of Onihime & Yasha (a.k.a. Mona and Lisa), Signal, Haku-oh and Galsia (who also gets a SoR2 sprite) have been added to the Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle custom sprite gallery and the GFX Generators (which got a HUGE overhaul in yesterday’s update).

♫… reflects a movie scene, often more than twice ♫

Enough progress has been made with the v.2 GFX Generator engine that I’ve put it on the site! One generator page, filled with (mostly) fighting game-scale game sprites, has most of the items from both the old Vs. Maker and Group Shot generator pages. There are also separate pages for Darkstalkers 3 and Marvel Super Heroes where each has characters who are 100% compatible with those Vs. Screens. A few things (like the secondary scene options) work a bit differently than before, but most of it is there. There’s still work to do on v.2 and the older generators will stay up until all their old functions and screens can be replicated with v.2. Rewriting this engine from (nearly) the ground up is something I’ve wanted to do for a lot of years, and it took a bit over a year (in-between making things for normal site updates and other work), but it feels good to have the new generator working this much. Effects like those shadows in the MSH Spider-Man stage windows were impossible with the old system (the same function can reflections there, too) and you can expect to see more effects and features added in future updates.

But that’s not all I have ready for the site this weekend! Come back tomorrow for a few new sprites of Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle characters!