DangerTerrorHorrorThon 2016 pt. 6 – the Final Chapter!

Custom Sprites
– Marvel:Blade
– Other Games: Bayonetta
– Data East: Zombie from Night Slashers
– TecmoPumpkin Head (Ninja Gaiden)
– Movies: The Shape/Michael Myers, Laurie Strode, Jill Franco
– Illmosis: Hazelle (my witchy Halloween mascot returns from limbo!)
– Movies: Blade
– Movies: Bayonetta
All new sprites and mini-logos have been added to the GFX Generator, where you can make your own screens and graphics. Blade (and the 144×160 I made from scratch) are also in the separate Darkstalker 3 and Marvel Super Heroes vs screen makers
That’s all (more like “that’s enough”) for the DangerTerrorHorrorThon for this year. Happy Halloween!
previous parts of the DTHT: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Bayonetta, Halloween (movie), Illmosis, marvel comics, Night Slashers, Ninja Gaiden
This update could be done only at night, for it is filled with Vampires!
Custom Sprites
– Castlevania: Dracula (original CV and SotN)
– Alpha Denshi (NEW!): Kyros
– Movies: Blacula/Mamuwalde and Selene (Underworld)
– VanillawareVampire (Dragon’s Crown)
– Movies: Kyros
– Movies: Blacula and Underworld
All of these bloodsuckers (and their mini-logos) have been added to the GFX Generator, where you can make your own screens and graphics, including one with that new Dracula’s lair background based on the original Castlevania.
You know, that’s a lot of vampires and tomorrow’s the last day for the DangerTerrorHorrorThon. I really hope someone shows up to make sure these nosferatu MF’ers don’t get out of control…
previous parts of the DTHT: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Castlevania, DangerTerrorHorrorThon, Dragon's Crown, Kyros
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Sunday is that day of the week when many people go out there to get themselves a little religion. With a site update like this, they may need it.
Custom Sprites
– Movies: Pinhead/Priest (Hellraiser)
– Konami: Silent Hill Nurses: Movie/Homecoming and Bubble Head.
– Splatterhouse (new solo gallery): Boss 5
– Capcom: Asteroth (Ghouls n’ Ghosts)
– Sega: Neff (Altered Beast)
– Movies: Hellraiser
As usual, those new items were added added to the GFX Generator, where you can make your own zombie or non-zombie horror (or non-horror) screens and graphics.
previous parts of the DTHT: part 1, part 2, part 3
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Altered Beast, DangerTerrorHorrorThon, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Silent Hill, Splatterhouse
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Did you think you’d have to wait until Sunday night to get your zombie fix? Never fear (unless we tell you to do so), because we’re here for you.
Custom Sprites
– Movies: Peter from Dawn of the Dead (the original)
– Sega: Cyril (House of the Dead)
– Capcom: Chris Redfield and the classic Zombie
– Data East: Zombie from Night Slashers.
– Other Games: Zombie (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)
– Movies: Dawn of the Dead
– Capcom: Biohazard and Bio Hazard, Chris Redfield
All of those new sprites, mini-logos and a new graveyard background were added to the GFX Generator, where you can make your own zombie or non-zombie horror (or non-horror) screens and graphics.
previous parts of the DTHT: part 1, part 2
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: DangerTerrorHorrorThon, Dawn of the Dead, House of the Dead, Night Slashers, Resident Evil, Zombies Ate My Neighbors
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The original Castlevania turned 30 years old earlier this year, when I promised that you’d see more new tributes to that series during the DangerTerrorHorrorThon. Yesterday’s update featured a new sprite of Richter Belmont, but it’s time to pay homage to the original game.
Custom Sprites
– CastleVania: Darkwing Bat Phantom Bat, Frankenstein (the Creature), Fish Man, Flea Man & Hunchback (redone) and Medusa Heads (redone)
The new sprites and a new background based on CastleVania Stage 5 have been added to the new GFX Generator, which you can use to make pics like the one near the top of this post.
If you think the DangerTerrorHorrorThon is done with you today, you better think again. There will be yet another installment tonight to satisfy your ghoulish appetites.
previous parts: part 1
edit: mislabeled the Phantom Bat as Darkwing Bat (I was using the SotN sprites as extra reference), now fixed.
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Castlevania, DangerTerrorHorrorThon
Here’s today’s batch of newness:
Custom Sprites
– Movies: El/Eleven from Stranger Things, Trash from the Return of the Living Dead and Frank Stewart from the WNUF Halloween Special. Yes, I know Stranger Things isn’t a movie, but it’s on that page for now.
– Castlevania: Richter Belmont (original outfit)
– Vanillaware: Sorceress (resprited and MUCH better)
– Other Games: Julie (Zombies Ate My Neighbors) in her select screen pose
– Marvel: Ghost Rider in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 stance
– Movies: the Return of the Living Dead, Frank Stewart
– Television: Stranger Things
– Vanillaware (new!): Vanillaware and Dragon’s Crown logo
All of the new sprites and mini-logos were added to the new GFX Generator, which you can use to make pics like the one near the top of this post. I also added a “horror” character list so you can easily find horror characters to build your own nightmares.
The madness continues tomorrow with even more sprites!

“We’ll be right back.”
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Castlevania, DangerTerrorHorrorThon, Dragon's Crown, gfx generator, marvel comics, Stranger Things, the Return of the Living Dead, WNUF Halloween Special, Zombies Ate My Neighbors