DangerTerrorHorrorThon 2016 pt. 6 – the Final Chapter!

Custom Sprites
Other Games: Bayonetta
Data East: Zombie from Night Slashers
TecmoPumpkin Head (Ninja Gaiden)
Movies: The Shape/Michael Myers, Laurie Strode, Jill Franco
Illmosis: Hazelle (my witchy Halloween mascot returns from limbo!)

Movies: Blade
Movies: Bayonetta

All new sprites and mini-logos have been added to the GFX Generator, where you can make your own screens and graphics. Blade (and the 144×160 I made from scratch) are also in the separate Darkstalker 3 and Marvel Super Heroes vs screen makers

That’s all (more like “that’s enough”) for the DangerTerrorHorrorThon for this year. Happy Halloween!

previous parts of the DTHT: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5