Multiplayer 3D arena brawlers are even more rare than beat ’em ups right now, which makes it even more special that Combat Core, which had a successful Kickstarter last year, is now in Steam Early Access! It’s fun to play in this early state, and you can even test out the Create-a-character mode. The game should be breath of fresh air to any Power Stone fans out there who are fiending for kind of brawling experience. To celebrate that early access, I made a sprite of Ember, the game’s resident wrestler. She’s in the Games (Independent) Custom Sprite gallery, ready to brawl!

I went back to work on the new engine for GFX Generators and got the reflections running (I still need to add the “color base” feature, though). The next step will be to get the text and text input going. This was a later addition to the old engine, so I’m hoping it’ll be an easier fit into the new engine. Finishing that will complete the basic features of the old generators and the next thing will be making a new version of the screenstyle options, those extra background options from the second menu. That, and a few other small things, will finish the new engine and last step will be converting a crapload of data files to the new format. That’s going to be a lot of work and I need to concentrate on that until it’s done. Except for a Streets of Rage-themed update in September, there won’t be any site content updates until the new generators are good enough to replace the original engine (and I won’t have deal with two versions characters’ data files and other tiring things from having two engines on the site). Getting the engine up to the old engine’s standards is only the beginning, but that’s a story for another time.