October 28th, 2016

Here’s today’s batch of newness:

Custom Sprites
Movies: El/Eleven from Stranger Things, Trash from the Return of the Living Dead and Frank Stewart from the WNUF Halloween Special. Yes, I know Stranger Things isn’t a movie, but it’s on that page for now.
Castlevania: Richter Belmont (original outfit)
Vanillaware: Sorceress (resprited and MUCH better)
Other Games: Julie (Zombies Ate My Neighbors) in her select screen pose
Marvel: Ghost Rider in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 stance

– Movies: the Return of the Living Dead, Frank Stewart
– Television: Stranger Things
– Vanillaware (new!): Vanillaware and Dragon’s Crown logo

All of the new sprites and mini-logos were added to the new GFX Generator, which you can use to make pics like the one near the top of this post. I also added a “horror” character list so you can easily find horror characters to build your own nightmares.

The madness continues tomorrow with even more sprites!

“We’ll be right back.”

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