October 30th, 2017

The clowns are still in the woods, but why and how did they get there? No time to answer those questions now, just run!

Custom Sprites:
– Konami: Circus Charlie
– Final Fight: Philippe (Final Fight 2)
– Technos: K.Clown and G.Terror (Combatribes)
– Universal: Mr. Do!
– movies: Pennywise (It, 1990 version), Shorty (Killer Klowns from Outer Space)
All of the new sprites and that new background were added to the the fighter-scale image generator, where you can make graphics like the one at the top of this post!The sale on line art and pixel art prints is still going on, too!
Tomorrow’s the last day of the HorrorThon for this year and there is no theme. Anything is possible. Come back to see who shows up!