It’s time to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 80s-born A Real American Hero toy line with more G.I.JOE sprites!

Custom Sprites:
– G.I.JOE: all-new sprites for Cover Girl, Doc, Grand Slam, Gung-Ho, Zap, a new Big Boa (made from the same base sprite as the scratch-made Balrog I added earlier this month), and a v.4 (1991) version of my scratch-made Snake-Eyes – fight stance sprite was added.
(also, Tomax and Xamot were added two days ago during the Twosday 2022 update)
– Street Fighter: Vega (G.I.JOE figure, a headswap and repaint of Banzai)
Trivia: this specific version of Snake-Eyes appears in both the Konami arcade game and G.I.JOE the Atlantis Factor for NES, and most of the mold was reused to make Nightfighter Guile in the Street Fighter: the Movie toyline. These v.1 versions of Gung-Ho and Zap both appear in the 1-on-1 combat section of Epyx’s G.I. JOE game, easily my favorite toyline-based game made when the toyline was still new.
All these new sprites were also added to the main image generators, along with that new background based on the G.I. JOE Headquarters Command Center playset. Yes, finally, a G.I. JOE background! NOTE: if you don’t see a character’s name in that section, they’re either in the G.I. JOE or Cobra character slot. Snake-Eyes has his own character slot, the others (except Vega, he’s in Capcom/Street Fighter) appear in their team’s slots.
There will be more G.I.JOE sprites in other updates this year, so keep checking in to see who gets added!
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: g.i. joe, Street Fighter II
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Before the greatest game sequel of all time debuted, I had a Karate Champ-shaped hole in my soul because nothing really matched the one-on-one hype people had playing that. If you know the area where I grew up, the Fast Lane corner store had a Karate Champ coin-op there for a long time). The years passed and co-op games with a bit of competition had pretty much eclipsed Vs. game play in titles like Mario Bros. (original recipe, not Super), Gauntlet, Double Dragon, and Final Fight (which Capcom almost called Street Fighter ’89). When Street Fighter II hit, the combination of solid game play, amazing graphics and memorable characters had people hype about it, including people I didn’t even know were into games at the time. The mall arcades here weren’t dead at the time, but SFII definitely brought a lot of new life to them. I have so many great memories of playing this game and the rest of the series with friends, fam, and arcade heads waaay before online play became standard. Thanks to everyone who worked on the game!
(fake screenshot using the arcade graphics to remake the special ending screen from the Super Famicom/Super Nintendo game)
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Shake a hand, shake a hand, because it’s that time of year again! I can’t afford to give out toys to all of my friends, so I make an update based on my favorite toys (mostly from the 80s), including toys based on preexisting licenses. This year, G.I.JOE and Masters of the Universe made some strong comebacks, even if some were ridiculously hard to find on store shelves. That’s enough from me, go open your presents!
– G.I.JOE: Clutch (v.1 toy, v.1 comic, v.2 tan recolor)
– Street Fighter: Chun-Li, Ken and M.Bison (all G.I.JOE figure v.1, made from parts of preexisting Joe and Cobra bodies with new heads)
– Masters of the Universe: Zodac (last figure needed for original line-up of figures), Hordak (highly-requested)
– Thundercats: Tygra (finishing the original crew of adult Thundercats who weren’t ghosts, sorry Jaga)
All new sprites added to the main image generator!
Whatever it is that you’re celebrating this time of year, I hope it’s a great time for you!
BTW: this WON’T be the last site update for the year… stay tuned…
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: g.i. joe, Masters of the Universe, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter series, thundercats
Finally putting out some pixel print things I’ve been scheming to make for a looong time. First up, the easy part. First up, as teased off and on for over a year, a print of the winner’s podium from Street Fighter II, completely sprited from scratch:

That sprite is now available in the shop! But maybe some of you would rather see someone else in those podium spots. That’s the other thing I’m announcing: Custom prints (a.k.a. SelectPlayer):

For a bit more money than a print, you can commission me to create a customized print! Choose a background and any sprites I’ve made from scratch that you see in the custom sprite galleries (and a few that aren’t in the galleries) for your print. Here’s a quick example:

The basics info is up on the new page for the
SelectPlayer prints. Yeah, this is what the “Player Select” in the old X-Men print meant, and that’s how long I’ve been trying to get this together. More background options and sprites made for the prints will be added as time goes on, so stay tuned!
One more thing: since the price of shipping prints from my print supplier has gone up, I’ve temporarily adjusted prices and added deals to offset that a bit for you. 8×10 (and similar size) prints are now $5 each, buy 2 and get one free. Also, buy one 17×11 (and similar size prints) and get one regular 8×10 print free.
Another update will hit the site before September ends. Frequent site visitors who use the Image Generators and look at the SelectPlayer backgrounds may notice a background that they haven’t seen before. You’ll see that background again in the next update, along with some sprite related to it. You’ve got a few days to guess!
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Tags: pixel art print, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter series
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As usual on this day, besides the weird index page and main menu headers that only show up today, the update is here to let YOU make a bunch of fakes to show your friends!
GFX Generators

The Street Fighter Alpha 3 Vs. screen screenstyles (also found on
the separate SFA3 page) now have ISM selectors with X, A, Z and V.
backgrounds added to the various generators: Fatal Fury 2 (Mai), Marvel Super Heroes (Hulk dark and light modes), Street Fighter II WW (Ken, Dhalsim, Vega, Bison), Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Sakura, Vega).
Elsewhere on the internet:
That’s all for now. Expect a few announcements on a day that isn’t known for pranks. Right. So, until then…
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: Final Fight, gfx generator, Marvel Super Heroes, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter II
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