February 24th, 2022

It’s time to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 80s-born A Real American Hero toy line with more G.I.JOE sprites!

Custom Sprites:
G.I.JOE: all-new sprites for Cover Girl, Doc, Grand Slam, Gung-Ho, Zap, a new Big Boa (made from the same base sprite as the scratch-made Balrog I added earlier this month), and a v.4 (1991) version of my scratch-made Snake-Eyes – fight stance sprite was added.
(also, Tomax and Xamot were added two days ago during the Twosday 2022 update)
Street Fighter: Vega (G.I.JOE figure, a headswap and repaint of Banzai)

Trivia: this specific version of Snake-Eyes appears in both the Konami arcade game and G.I.JOE the Atlantis Factor for NES, and most of the mold was reused to make Nightfighter Guile in the Street Fighter: the Movie toyline. These v.1 versions of Gung-Ho and Zap both appear in the 1-on-1 combat section of Epyx’s G.I. JOE game, easily my favorite toyline-based game made when the toyline was still new.

All these new sprites were also added to the main image generators, along with that new background based on the G.I. JOE Headquarters Command Center playset. Yes, finally, a G.I. JOE background! NOTE: if you don’t see a character’s name in that section, they’re either in the G.I. JOE or Cobra character slot. Snake-Eyes has his own character slot, the others (except Vega, he’s in Capcom/Street Fighter) appear in their team’s slots.

There will be more G.I.JOE sprites in other updates this year, so keep checking in to see who gets added!

One Response to “Yo Joe 2022!”

  1. Awesome I didn’t expect two updates in a week, which I have just left a comment for the previous update (because I thought it was just one updated news)