December 24th, 2020

Merry Christmas from Miss Santa (really, Wonder Woman, but don’t tell anybody), Santa Gilius, Haggar Claus, Santa Bison, and Kram-Poison (idea by @Myruh_Ret2 on Twitter last year) and I, PrimeOp. May it, or any other holiday you celebrate this time of year, be a good one!

All of those sprites have been added to the main image generator (which I used to make that screenshot). Yes, even the older sprites you’ve seen before, because I kept forgetting to add them.

2 Responses to “Merry Christmas”

  1. happy New Year!
    Say goodbye to 2020
    Welcome to 2021
    Hope you are healthy and safe
    Thanks for your creation
    Hope this year will be better

  2. Thank you, SKB! I will try to make more fun things this year and I hope you have a good 2021 too!