This year is the 25th Anniversary of many great games and this update pays tribute to a few of them. I planned to have separate updates for them, but that big commission a few months ago forced me to condense them into this chunky tribute. To make it worse, a cold I caught right before Christmas robbed a few more days of work out of this update as well. Still, between this and the Mega Man NES-style screenshot generator I posted a while ago, I hope this is a worth tribute to 1987.

Graphic Generators – For those who missed the debut of the new Fake Screenshot generator and its NES-style pixel flavor,
Fake Screenshot: Rush, Eddie, a new Mega Man edit based on an MvsC win pose were added I also added more edits since the December 17th update.
Vs. Maker & GroupShot: Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, Eggplant Wizard, Pit, Wonder Momo added. Abobo (new sprite), Joe Musashi (Shinobi 1 sprite added), Marian (new Double Dragon 1 sprite), Mega Man (new palette and re-sized NES sprites), Radd Spencer (new sprite) updated.
Custom Sprites – this update’s additions are:
Capcom: Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, Bionic Commando (arcade version)
Namco: Wonder Momo
Nintendo: Pit, Eggplant Wizard and Monoeye from Kid Icarus
Sega: Joe Musashi (original Shinobi uniform)
Technos: new Marian sprite, new scratch-made Abobo sprite (to replace that crappy Hulk edit), slightly-modded/improved Lopar and Williams.
Sprites – Kid Icarus (sprites and animations from the original NES/Famicom game added).
Fake Screenshots – “Rokman (title screen)” was added. No, that’s not a typo.
Mini-logos – Dr. Wily, Dr. Light and Dr. Right added to Capcom section.
I’d like to thank everyone who has been enjoying the site this year, especially the those who have given feedback. Most of this year has been okay for me, but I’d randomly get some really good feedback right when I was feeling like a wet food stamp. You made me feel better and that caused me to push myself to make updates bigger (especially that Halloween update). I’d also like to thank those of you have been digging the Tumblr account I’ve used to show off weird things that didn’t quite have a spot on the site just yet or game-related thoughts that were rolling around in my head at the moment.
What’s up for 2013: I’m not going to talk a bunch of smack only for it to not happen, so I’m going to stay quiet on it. All I’m going to say is that I’ve been working on a bunch of things I’ve wanted to show you for YEARS, huge chunks of it were finished in 2012 and, time willing, 2013 might be when some of it is done enough to show. Besides the fact that people will pretty much swipe anything that you post on the ‘net if you preview it before the main project is done, it really is better if you see some of this stuff in action first. For now, continue to have Happy Holidays, including a Happy New Year!
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: bionic commando, Double Dragon, Fake screenshots, gfx generators, Kid Icarus, Mega Man, Shinobi, Wonder Momo
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