GFX Generators – I added a few new backgrounds to the 384×224 scene styles and added an early fix for the text feature to prevent certain symbols from gumming up the works.
Character Updates:
SNK – Duck King and Eiji Kisaragi added. Kim Kaphwan gets some KoF 2000 sprites added.
Toys ‘n Toons – Baroness (separate from Cobra character, new sprites & SFA 3 items. Storm Shadow gets a new SFA3 Vs. Name Graphic.
Illmosis – Passion Tanaka (with mini-logo) added.
Custom Sprites: Passion Tanaka was added to the PrimeOp gallery page and more Baroness sprites were added to the G.I.JOE page. Speaking of Baroness sprites…
Custom Sprite Downloads – I added the VERY incomplete Baroness sprite set from the long-dead project. I also added some of the sprites from this project to the G.I.JOE Custom Sprite Page and now has her own character slot in the GFX image Generators.
There will be another small update soon to make up for having to rush this one out.
BTW: Elevator Action Deluxe fans, don’t forget that the free DLC Time Gal character is now available along with Sayo-Chan and an extra level.
I have some artwork and commission projects that need to get done so the update is kind of light. Luckily I finished something before things got thick…
Jake’s SFA-style sprite set is now ready to be downloaded. This completes the four-man group of lowest-level thugs from Final Fight. There will probably be additions and improvements to these in the future but it’s good to have the basics of the whole group finally done. This will also be this year’s last Custom Sprite Pack for Project:Drone. Things are getting busy like Kid ‘n Play so it’s time to put that project on pause. I don’t know how many more drone characters I’ll take a shot at next year but I have a few ideas.
GFX Generators – The following backgrounds were added to the GroupShot Maker:
Apocalypse Now! (MSHvsSF and XMvsSF versions)
SFA3 stages: Cody, Rolento, Ryu and Sodom
Darkstalkers: Demitri
Justice League Task Force: Wonder Woman
BTW: Check out Illmosis this coming weekend if you’re a Pac-Man fan. That’s all I’m sayin’ for now.
I have no idea how many people read the site’s weblog but I figured I’d add this as a separate note tonight since there won’t be an update until next week. The first two videos I made for the SFA-style Bred and Dug sprite sets just had music with no SFX because I couldn’t get that issue ironed out on my system. I finally have that sorted out and this is the result:
This video won’t go public until next week’s site update where Jake is added to the Custom Sprite Pack page. It’s not great but it’s just meant to show what they can do including surprise me with a jumpkick. It will take me a while to get the hang of making everything I want in videos but getting the sound capture to work was one of the main things keeping me from making more videos for this site. Expect to see more ScrollBoss videos once I get everything working smoothly.
Custom Sprite Packs– a sprite editor who goes by the name of Laslunder has sent a Work-in-progress Cody sprite pack that matches up with the sprite in my Street Cody sprite pack. They’re not 100% finished but will help boost the efforts of anyone who wants to make a whole sprite set of Cody in street clothing. He has WAY more edits in there than my pack has! I planned to update my Cody pack after I made the Jake pack but Laslunder’s work nudged me to work a bit on mine again so my Cody pack been updated as well. There are some new and improved sprites but here’s the important stuff:
Improved standing animation with better handwraps.
new Cyclone Kick.
If you downloaded it before, download it again because almost everything has been improved. The improved sprites and SFA3 portrait were also added to the Graphic Generators. Be sure to check out Laslunder’s pack, too!
NOTE: Those downloaded the PrimeOp Cody pack before 1:30 PM Eastern Standard Time should re-download it again. I just made some fixes to the collar in the last few frames thanks to some sound advice from Kiwi.
Also, the artist from the link I posted Wednesday now has a deviantART account!
It must take some serious time, patience and steady hands to finish those bead sprites!
Hey, it’s a rare Wednesday update just like the old days! Here’s what’s new:
Custom Sprite Packs – Dug (Final Fight) is now available in Alpha/Vs. sprite style and Bred was updated because I accidentally had the misaligned punch animation in there. If you downloaded it before, please download it again to get your proper punch action. I made another horrible video to show both drone sprite sets in action:
Vs. Maker – Cyclops and Rolento got alternate palettes and new sprites while Karnov, Ms. Marvel and Ryu Hayabusa just got alternate palettes.
This week’s special link is to 8-Bit Monkeys (MySpace account) where you can see some sprites brought into the real world using microbeads. You’ll see a lot of 8-bit examples there but you’ll also see some work with more colors in it. Keep an eye on the page because there’s more great work on the way!
There isn’t a lot of new stuff in this update but a whole lot of work went into it.
Custom Sprite Downloads – the “SFAlpha” style Bred sprite set has been added to the Custom Sprite Download page. Yes, an entire set of sprites! There will be future updates to the set, just like the other sets on the page, but it has everything you need to bring Bred into a CPS2 Capcom fighter-scale fan game.
Sprites – The slightly new overall look for the main sprite galleries are done. There is still a lot to fix but all the main stuff is in there. Each gallery now has a box at the top with things like Game Index links. Many of the gallery layouts are just copies of the older versions but some have the more unified style that they’ll all have when they’re done. The games that had a few sprites on a company’s sprite hub page now have their own pages. The upcoming screenshot galleries use the same engine and will hit later this year.
Custom Sprites – The Capcom page gets recreations of Bred’s “OH MY GOD!” and “OH MY CAR!” sprites and the Strider Hiryu sprites that used to be on the Strider sprite page.
Graphics – Other – Bred’s word balloons were added.
You’ll also start to see a slightly different version of the ScrollBoss logo in most areas. I remade the whole font again and you’ll see more of that when I start to remake other logos for the site. That’s all for now. If you’re trying out the Bred sprite pack and want to leave some feedback about it, feel free to reply in this topic. I need to know if the format I’m using works for people before I put the Dug pack together.
I almost forgot about this other stuff that happened in-between updates:
First, check out two pics I added to Illmosis:
That’s right. Douglas Bild from Brawl Brothers and Rival Turf in full color along with Tyris Flare in base color mode (coloring without shading).
The second thing is from someone awesome that you probably know about already, Rinry of Rinry Game Game. Check out this video and you may see something… familiar :)