My big plans for the Halloween update were cut short by commission work. One of the sprites that you’d have seen in October would have been Jason Voorhees, inspired by the fact that NECA went crazy and made a SDCC exclusive glow-in-the-dark figure colored like the NES sprite. The weird part is that someone e-mailed me to ask if I had a Jason sprite without knowing I’d planned to do one. Unfortunately, I ran out of time, so I didn’t do it. Then I decided to check and see if there was a Friday the 13th before the year was over and, sure enough, there is. So instead of just having Jason show up on Halloween, he’s here on his own special day. If that wasn’t enough, I’ve got new sprites of other hockey mask-wearing characters, including a new Rick Taylor sprite. This is Splatterhouse’s 25th anniversary year, so things just worked out just right.

GFX Generators
New Characters: Jason Voorhees (pt. 3 sprite, two palettes), Casey Jones (TMNT), Ninja Gaiden enemies (the hockey mask-wearing enemy with multiple palettes)
Updated Characters: Rick Taylor (new scratch-made Splatterhouse 1 standing pose), Jennifer (improved sprite, brown palette)
Custom Sprites – Splatterhouse’s Rick and Jen were added to the Namco page, Jason was added to the new Movie-related gallery, Casey was added to the TMNT page and that hockey mask guy from Ninja Gaiden was added to the Tecmo page.
Breakin’ News
The U.S. Playstation store has quite a few Capcom games and items on sale on the cheap tip. The Dungeons and Dragons compilation, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom Origins are $7.49, $3.49 if you have Playstation Plus. Spelunky has the same $3.49/$7.49 price scheme, too. The PS3 and Vita versions of Dragon’s Crown, my favorite game of the year, is on sale for $29.99, too. Jump on that while the gettin’ good.
EDIT: News hit this weekend that Capcom will be de-listing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and all MvsC3 and Ultimate MvsC3 items (DLC) from PSN and X-Box live very soon. You only have until the next PSN Store update to get those things and Live users have a bit longer. Read about it on Capcom-Unity.
Good Old Games (, home of non-DRM computer gaming, has a gigantic sale going on that I’m not even going to try and list. You just need to check it out A.S.A.P. if you’re interested.