Here’s a little wake-up call to let you know that the site has been unpaused.
GFX Generators – The huge Capcom character section was split up into multiple areas to make things a bit more clear. More MSH backgrounds were added to most of the variable background screenstyles.
Capcom: Mega Man (added sprites), Rush (new), Roll (added sprites), Miechelle Heart (added MvsC sprite, new green palette)
Marvel: Doctor Doom (added sprites)
Sprite Rips – All 100 CD portraits from both Megaman & Bass (GBA) and Rockman & Forte (Super Famicom) are now in downloadable .ZIP files. Each is a separate .PNG and all have the same alignment according to where they are on the screen.
Game Index – Alien Syndrome (arcade), Contra (NES), Mega Man (NES), Shinobi (arcade), Xenophobe (arcade) added.
Game Logos – Alien Syndrome (arcade, including an animated one), Devil World (arcade, added to Dark Adventure section), Gun.Smoke (arcade and NES), Kung Fu Kid (SMS), Rainbow Islands (arcade), Rastan Saga (arcade), Solomon’s Key, Super Dodge Ball (arcade), Wardner (World and Japan arcade versions), Xenophobe (arcade) added.
Mini-Logos – Xenophobe added to Atari-Midway-Williams section.
There will be a small horror and monster-related update around Halloween.