August 9th, 2024

It’s the ninth day of the eight month, that means it’s time for the ScrollBoss site to revive The Revenge of 1989!

What’s the deal with 1989? The short answer is that a lot of beat ’em up, hack ‘n slash, and platformer games featured heavily on this site debuted that year, 16-bit games hit North America, the portable system revolution started, and a ton of other things, some of which you can read about here.

Custom Sprites:
Final Fight: redone Guy idle/fight stance sprite, modified ‘arms crossed’ taunt sprite to match the new idle.
Golden Axe: redone Tyris Flare select screen pose
Mega Man: non-MvC-look Mega Man in the NES pose
Strider: Soldier (red and green)
Shinobi: Yet another attempt to sprite Yamato, that good wolf from Shadow Dancer. Will it be the last? Who knows? Is it in today’s update? Yes.

All of the new custom sprites have been added to the main gfx generator, where I made the screenshot at the top of this post.

If this were just some normal year this update would be it. But this year is the 35th (!) Anniversary of 1989, so it’s time to do something special once again. There will be more site updates spread throughout August, ending with something I really wanted to do in 2014 but couldn’t: a video. Here’s a preview

Until then, get ready for more pixel art next week!

3 Responses to “The Revenge of 1989, 2024 edition pt. 1”

  1. Speaking about Shinobi series
    I like the five black ninjas (the final bosses) from GG Shinobi II

  2. I really never got very far in any of those games, so I never saw the endbosses. I need to fix that.

  3. GG Shinobi I & II are masterpieces