February 17th, 2017

Some of the sprites in this update are characters that I’ve wanted to sprite for years, but didn’t feel I was ready to do them justice until now. Each sprite was a sacrifice, they took hard work, they’re a way of liiiiiiiiiiiiife!

Custom Sprites
Movies: Bruce Leroy, Sho’nuff and Miss Laura Charles from Berry Gordy’s “The Last Dragon”
Technos: Bullova (Combatribes)
Atari: Tanya (Guardians of the ‘Hood)
Williams: Hit Man and Max Force from NARC

Movies: Four Last Dragon-related logos
Atari: Guardians of the ‘Hood

All of these things have been added to the main GFX Generator where you can make fake screenshots like the one at the top of this update post!

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