To celebrate 9 years of disappointing updates, here’s a… well, you know.
Company Index – Much like the Game Index is to games, the Company Index is a hub to company-specific items on ScrollBoss and external links. This is still under slow construction like the Game Index since both will get additions, improvements and more connections to other parts of the site.
Game Index – The “Company” listing is now a link to that company’s Company Index page if such a page exists. Added games include Taito Legends (PS2).
Custom Sprites – Abigail, Andore, Damnd, Haggar (finally looking like a Capcom sprite) added to the Capcom page. Mr. X (Streets of Rage) and Sonic (from scratch) added to the Sega page. The Dark Queen (in 3 variants), Kazan, Super Mario, Rick Norton, Thomas from Kung-Fu Master added the ‘Game Related’ page. A new Batman sprite edit was added to the DC Comics page.
Minilogos – Damnd, Geese Howard, Haggar, Hugo, Iori, Jill Valentine, Kyo, Rolento, Todo added.
Vs. Maker – Here comes a new company: SEGA! Sonic the Hedgehog, Jo Musashi, Axel and Blaze kick off the new Sega character section. Batman, Damnd, Geese Howard, Haggar (new sprite edits!), Hugo/Andore, Iori(SNK), Jill Valentine, Kyo (SNK), Son-Son (MvsC2), Todo, Tyrant and Yuri added to character roster.
S-Files – Links to the character’s company page in the Company Index now added. Also fixed a link bug in Rolento’s page and added minilogos to those who now have them.
Links – The Main, MUGEN and Sprite link pages were redone with most of the dead links taken out. I’m still waiting to see how the Gamespy/Classic Gaming thing shakes out and I’ve already heard about a few people finding new hosts to move to.
MugenBoss – While the pages look the same for the most part (still thinking of a redesign for it), the pages were recoded a bit. Items now hook up with the Game Index just like the Games linked to their related MUGEN index pages. Certain companies now Another addition to the data structure is for item author information to display info for guest-hosted MUGEN items. That will come in handy for the coolest thing in this whole update:
Cat’s Lair (from ThunderCats) by Kiwi and Shin Otaru

Kiwi crafted the visuals from scratch (yes, from SCRATCH!) then passed the product to Shin Otaru to code the stage and bring it all together. The animated onlookers are fan-favorites from the series including Hachiman, one of my personal faves. The BGM for the stage is a Thor Arne Gald Semb remix based on the C-64 Thundercats game. Be sure to stop and check his site out for more awesome work including a Commando remix that you won’t expect. BTW: the Cheetara in the screenshot is from a sprite that Kiwi did from scratch so please don’t ask where to download the whole character since it doesn’t exist. Yeah, I wish there was a real character of that too.
I hope this update makes up a bit for the low amount of new content this place has seen for the past few months. Updates will usually be 2 weeks apart again while I deal with my day job plus work on more Illmosis comics. There is still a lot of work to do here so this site won’t be dead even though it’ll be slow. Thanks to everyone who still looks at the site, finds it useful somehow, links to it or anything like that. Extra thanks to those who have given feedback on the site and a huge thanks to those who have contributed content over the years. There is a new audience for these games thanks to the DLC on the current consoles so it’s up to us fans to undickishly represent the philosophies, wonder and sheer joy of beating evil people with 2×4’s or nunchaku, eating food and taking power-ups wherever you find them, rescuing those who have been kidnapped by evil organizations and reminding people that 2-D gaming can still be the sure shot even if your little brother, kid sis or girlfriend keeps complaining about “the jaggies.” ScrollBoss will be a humble rep of such things until the timer runs out so keep stopping by for encouragement, help, info and supplies when the mood strikes you.
(Archive of post originally from Sun, 19 July 2009 04:11:50 by PrimeOp )
Filed under: MugenBoss Updates, ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: vs. maker
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