The image generators on this site work but the interface looks uglier than a wet food stamp on a bowling shoe. I know this and I’m working on that. Here’s a preview:
Both generators share the same engine to make pictures but the layouts were unique to each one. That meant I had to fix one then copy and paste the new code from one to the other. This didn’t always work. This new version uses a template so I can improve all the generator designs at once. There will be more generators added this year so this will save me a lot of time. There’s still a bit of work to do to make the size more adaptable to different resolutions but it’s mostly done now. This new version will hit the site some time this later month.
I have no idea how many people read the site’s weblog but I figured I’d add this as a separate note tonight since there won’t be an update until next week. The first two videos I made for the SFA-style Bred and Dug sprite sets just had music with no SFX because I couldn’t get that issue ironed out on my system. I finally have that sorted out and this is the result:
This video won’t go public until next week’s site update where Jake is added to the Custom Sprite Pack page. It’s not great but it’s just meant to show what they can do including surprise me with a jumpkick. It will take me a while to get the hang of making everything I want in videos but getting the sound capture to work was one of the main things keeping me from making more videos for this site. Expect to see more ScrollBoss videos once I get everything working smoothly.
I finally got a video together of Bred in action using OpenBoR as a test engine:
This sprite test is still using early versions of a few sprites including the punch with a botched transition animation. It’s hard to play and purposefully get hit and it’s even harder to get close enough to Bred to make him do that knee strike, the main attack that I like in the set. The first version of the sprite set should be available later this month.
BTW: No, I’m not making a mod for OpenBoR. It’s just really great and easy for testing animations as they’d work in a game.
I updated Illmosis earlier today with an animation that will be on ScrollBoss in the next udpate (whenever that is):
I still don’t know when the whole set of sprites will be ready but I’m getting close to the end of it. Here’s a shot of a transition sprite I’m adding between the original falling pose and the knocked-out pose:
An in-progress pic of Bred's falling-to-KO transition frame.
Work continues on that boring behind-the-scenes crap that no one really cares about. The biggest project right now is the new graphic gallery script that will eventually replace all the old sprite pages. It has some nice little features in it including links to the Game Index. I’m still working on it but here’s a preview using the Alex Kidd page: Image gallery test
This is the big reason why I’m not going to update the sprite galleries for a while since it’d make more work for me to convert the pages to the new gallery data style.
I’ve also been working on more of those rectangle graphics that you see in certain parts of the site.
Here’s a look at something else I’ve been working on:
Filed under: ScrollBoss Lab, Site News by PrimeOp
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