Seeing as how it’s Christmas Eve, I thought it’d be a great time for an update with toy sprites!

New sprites of Evil-Lyn, Scarlett, He-Man, Jem, Lion-O, Grunt, and Faker have been added to the Toys and Cartoon and G.I.JOE galleries, along with the GFX Generators (where you’ll see even more palettes for Scarlett and Grunt). I also fixed the sprite of G.I.JOE’s “Flash” Gambello, because he was far too short.
BTW: Steelheart and Cyborg were going to be part of this, repping SilverHawks and Super Powers respectively, but I used them in the Cyber Week updates so the site wouldn’t be going so long without updates. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait until next Christmas to get more toy-related sprites here…
the Night City Assault beat ’em up Kickstarter only has a few days and is halfway to its goal, so check out the campaign, try out the playable demo and help it out if you can!
Merry Christmas!
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: christmas, g.i. joe, Hasbro, Jem, Mattel, motu, thundercats
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Surprise, ninjas! I’m playing Santa Claus by leaving a little toy-related update:

It’s Christmas time so I’ve added a Toy and Cartoon character section to the Graphic Generators. It starts off with He-Man from Masters of the Universe, Lion-O from the Thundercats and various G.I.JOEs and Cobras. The Cobras and Joes have been collected into team-based character choices except for Snake-Eyes and Scarlett who get solo slots since they already had minilogos. I disliked the old Storm Shadow sprite so much that I threw a new one together and it appears in the Generators. Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow have optional palettes. There will be an update next week and you’ll see the new things from the generator added to the galleries. There is also a theme based on the early G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero figure card in the Group Maker. I know how crazy it is to have single character themes in the Group Maker but they’re just hanging out there until I have enough themes and fix a few things to create the Avatar maker.
Also: There’s a new sprite pack from the Sailor Moon game by Banpresto. These were ripped by Makron (thank you for giving me permission to host them) and it includes some recognizable characters that didn’t make it into the game. It’s not easy to compile things like that so please give Makron credit if you use them in a fan game.
Also, check out Illmosis to see a quick full-color Christmas pic I drew. It’s not game-related this year but you may like it. I’ll be back next week with another small update to wrap up the 10th Anniversary year.
Filed under: ScrollBoss Updates by PrimeOp
Tags: christmas, g.i. joe, gfx generators, motu, sailor moon, sprite set, thundercats