Time to wrap things up the way some classic games used to do: with a Boss Rush Mode!

Custom Sprites: new sprites (and new galleries) include…
– Double Dragon: Willy (all-new, better than that last one I made)
– Streets of Rage: Shiva (classic design)
– Strider: improved Ton Pooh (and sisters) sprites (especially the head) + 2 new sprites: pose based on a Strider bosses pic and a sprite in her NxC fight stance.
– Zelda series: Gannon (Link to the Past design).
That new arcade background, with quite a few machines that haven’t been in a background until, was made thanks to everyone who voted here (thanks, Eddie Mountaingoat), Twitter, and Instagram! Oddly enough, the 6-player X-Men and Alien vs. Predator machines were in that 2020 teaser preview, but this poll isn’t the reason why. I’ll have more arcade background news in the not-too-distant-future. It has been added to the Group, Vs., and MvC ending screen styles in the main image generator.
That’s all for the 20th anniversary updates, and I hope you’ve had fun checking them out, watching the videos, and playing with the new sprites in the generators. This would’ve been on single update, but offline hassles sidelined me for over a week, so I’ve been using the extended posts to make more content for you. It wasn’t easy to hustle and get these extra things done, but if you had fun, it was all worth it. For everyone who was there since the early Angelfire-hosted days, for those who just found this mess of a site, and everyone in between, thanks for visiting!