September 20th, 2018

The “Horror vs. Horror 2” pixel art print is finally done and available for order!

The 17 x 11 inch print has been added to the shop page, along with the Iron Man (90s/Capcom sprite armor) pic I did earlier this year. There’s a list of character select cameos on my Illmosis art site, just so you can see how weird it gets!

There’s been a ton of beat ’em up news this entire year and I’ve been trying to build a big update themed around this site’s favorite genre. But the hits just keep coming! Between the last site update and this one, the Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle (a.k.a. Capcom Belt Action Collection) was both announced and released (not for PC yet) and Sega shocked the world by declaring the return of the Streets of Rage series with part 4. I’m still building a beat ’em update, but here’s a few things to get things rolling before then:

Sprites: Double Dragon (some Double Dragon Advance)

Mini-logos: Battle Circuit added to Capcom gallery.

Vernacula-X: The main page gets another upgrade (finally, proper separate pages for each letter), all terms now have full pages, a few have been rewritten, and a few new terms (character level, crowd control, drone, gamer, mega crash) have been added.

Game Index additions: Battle Circuit, Knights of the Round, Ninja Combat

That’s all the site newness I’ve got for today, but here’s a few previews of some sprites you’ll see in the upcoming Beat ‘Em Update:

Fight’N Rage, one of the best recent arcade-style beat ’em ups to hit the pixelated streets, is having a half price sale until September 24th in honor of its first anniversary (September 19th)! The game is high quality and a steal at that price!

2 Responses to “Horror vs. Horror 2 print and more”

  1. scrollboss friend I have a doubt but there will be unlockable characters in terror vs terror 2 and the other idea is missing in the marvel howard the duck

  2. Oh, yes, there will be unlockable characters :) I have quite a few extra select squares and there will be an option to order customized versions of the print once I get a lot of other things finished. I’ll be showing some in the near future.

    Howard the Duck will be fun to sprite. I don’t know when I’ll get around to it, but I’d like to make a sprite of him.

    Are you getting ready for Halloween?