November 15th, 2017

Karnovember is in full swing on Tumblr and Twitter! It’s time for this site to pay a little tribute to the legend that is Karnov and a few of his friends.

New customs sprites of Karnov, Zako Ninja, and Buki Ninja, and improved Kunoichi sprites have been added to the Bad Dudes gallery and the main GFX Generator.
Speaking of the Custom Sprite galleries, I did a lot of behind-the-scenes work to just about all of them and a few look a bit different. Metroid and Transformers now have their own galleries and other games will get their own pages in future updates. I’m working on something that will replace a lot of the coding on this site, but I’ll explain that once the first upgrade hits.
Stay tuned, there’ll be more small updates very soon!
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