We’ve been having a lot of fun with the DangerTerrorHorrorThon (see updates 1 and 2), but I’m a bit worn out right now. That means it’s time for a break… a werewolf break.
Custom Sprites: a Castlevania II version of Simon Belmont, and the Castlevania gallery finally gets a graphic tag.
Sprites: new sprites and animated .gifs were added to the Altered Beast gallery.
One special thing I’ve been saving for this update event is a couple of commission sprites I made earlier this year for a special event. Rob “Dire” Strangman (creator of the OPCFG and the West Mansion sites) and Karry Blank asked me to make these sprites for some of their wedding cards and gave me permission to post the sprites:

Look at the smiles on those faces! I was proud that a couple would want me to make sprites for their wedding, and I still smile like a goof when seeing these. Congratulations again, you two!
So I made my first pixel print earlier this year, the Horror vs. Horror (I still don’t have a good name for that yet) title screen, which can be ordered here for $6 + S&H, nudge nudge, wink wink.

It used a mix of sprites I made for earlier horror-themed site updates along with some new stuff. I’m not sure how this happened, but Dread Central and Bloody Disgusting reported on it and it led to some sales! That was one of the few good things to happen during a pretty bad time (short version: I was kinda broke and injured), so everyone involved still has my thanks for making things better!
Did you enjoy your Werewolf Break? If you managed to read this far, you deserve a werewolf.

That lil’ Altered Beast is in the NES-like 32×16 and 32×32 sprite gallery.
Here are a few clips from the final installments of this week’s DangerTerrorHorrorThon…

Stay tuned.