Don’t expect more than one medium-sized update for the site in April. I need to get some artwork ready for the All-Americon Convention in Warren, Ohio on May 2nd. I’m still putting some big code rewrites together for the site along with working on some projects that you may like.
The people who have checked out the Bred SFA-style sprite set seem to like it. No one even complained about the kick and even I complain about that! A Dug sprite set will be added to the site in May with Jake and Simmons showing up a bit after that. I wonder who will be the first person to put them in a project.
Don’t be surprised if you see the look of the site randomly change a bit here and there. I’m slowly fixing a lot of things and the site will eventually have one completely solid look before getting a slight 10th anniversary update.
You know that Movie Poster graphic on the index page and the Jumping Side Kick graphic on many of the regular pages? Those will be gone some time this year. Here’s a preview of what will be replacing the Side Kick Pics:
Those aren’t the final version but it’ll look something like that. Expect to see lots with the original games along with re-created scenes, some crossover pics and a few surprises.