GFX Generators There’s a new group named “NEW” that has all the latest characters who were added or updated so you don’t have to scroll through over 100 characters to see all that newness. You’ll still find the characters in the normal places they’re supposed to be, but the NEW section is there for your convenience.

Marvel Characters: Ant Man/Giant Man (separate character with new sprites), Loki (all-new), Hulk (redone “original Hulk” edit), Quicksilver, Wasp (new sprites and many new palettes). Bill Foster/Goliath added to the Other Heroes character slot. Mandarin added to the Other Villains characters slot.
Screenstyles: A brand-new scratch-made Hall of Armor background was added to the “384×224 scenes” and “Avatar 100×100” screen layouts in the GroupMaker.
Wait, who is that guy hiding behind the Hulk? It can’t be. No one makes fan art from that game. It can’t be…

That’s right. It’s Ryu and Ko from Capcom’s Avengers. Yes, even the version from the flyer with the white shirt is in there.
Custom Sprites
Marvel Comics: new scratch-made sprites of Giant Man/Goliath/Black Goliath, Quicksilver, Mandarin and Loki. New outfit variations and shrunken sprites for the Wasp were also added.
Capcom: Ryu and Ko from the old Avenger beat-em-up.
Marvel Comics: Quicksilver
Capcom: Avengers
The Avengers movie, this Avengers update and most of the Marvel-related items you see on this website wouldn’t be possible without one man who always deserves credit and thanks.

If you’ve ever beaten Capcom’s Marvel Super Heroes game and wondered who Jack Kirby was, it’s time to learn. This post on Badass Hall of Fame says it all much better than I ever could, but let me give you the short version of it. Jack Kirby brought a sense of all-out action to comics. Most artists, good and bad, had poses that looked like you were about to see something happened or it already happened. Jack Kirby’s work is the pure happening. You can see that punch happening with the same brand of power you might see in some of your favorite sprites in video game attacks. Have you noticed how many games have animations where the Jab attack has the non-punching fist ready to deliver the next hit of the combo? You can find that in Jack Kirby’s fight scenes. While many people consider reality to be the end point of all creativity, Jack Kirby created a style and manner that is beyond reality nearly everything good about comics has a touch of that Kirby magic.
Take a bit of time to check out to see what I mean. Look at his fighting poses, then look at some of your favorite fighting game frames, especially Capcom CP2-era sprites.
Wow!!! Really like the Avengers sprites!!!
Is there a chance the Hall of Armor background to become a mugen stage for Iron Man?
Keep up the good work!!!
I’m glad that you liked those Avengers sprites! I had the urge to cook up a new sprite edit after the update, so I might have another small update on Friday or Saturday.
Hall of Armor: I’ll try to get it converted into a MUGEN stage if people like how it looks. I’d have to do a bit more work to make something that would look good in a superjump-enabled stage, but the stage would look better than the one in the generators.
[…] Avengers update hit ScrollBoss on Thursday and has stuff like this in it: Other Avengers-themed items were added […]
Yeah!!! That would be a great stage!!! Really like how it looks!!
Plus we miss u in mugen!!!
Hope one day u return!!! U are one of my top spriters!!!
U could make a lot of decent chars and stages in mugen!!
Lol! can u correct my msg? I wrote lloks instead of looks!!
Thanks!! :)
Fixed! Thanks for the kind words, NX-MEN!
I have to get back to work on some regular drawn art projects, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll stop making pixel art. In fact, two projects have a little pixel art in them, too.
I’m fine with just making a few scratch-made sprites or edits that someone else can improve and make a full char from or doing little things like mini-logos that creators and artists can use.
Yeah u are really doing a great work!!!
It will be difficult for some people to get those amazing sprites and make them full chars cause they wont be as perfect as u do them!!! U have excellent skills!
I will keep visiting more often this site since its back officially now!!! Good luck on your future works too!
[…] this is the first update you’ve seen this week, check out this previous post to see the much bigger update with new things in […]
Please,do a stage with Hall of Armor!
Sorry for the very, very, very late reply here and thanks for the comment!
I’ll have to make some adjustments, more floor, more armors and a few other things before I can make a stage out of it. I’m working on a lot of other things right now, so I have no idea when I’ll get around to making a MUGEN version of it.