October 29th, 2020

The Newness The Ghoulness is On! Three days of dangerous, terrifying, and horrifying additions to the site begin here!

custom sprites:
– Castlevania: Mummy Man and Phantom Bat
– Devil May Cry (new gallery): Dante (MvC3 fight stance)
– Mortal Kombat: Mileena
– Splatterhouse: “Mutant” Rick
– Saturday Night Slam Masters (new gallery): the Wraith
– Clock Tower: Scissorman (Clock Tower)
– Dante (DMC) added to Capcom.
– Mileena added to Midway
New custom sprites and mini-logos were added to the main GFX Generator, along with an improved version of the “Arcade of the Damned” background seen in this news post!
Tune in tomorrow for day two of the 2020 DangerTerrorHorrorThon!