In 2006, a small town arcade was forced to close due to machinations of opportunistic politicians and preachers. The arcade’s owner was run out of town and the cabinets, mostly horror games, were ordered to be destroyed in a public ceremony. One of the former employees, Amelia, refused to let this happen. Rallying a crew of fellow misfits, she liberated the coin-op machines, evaded the local police through multiple states until reaching the one place outside the reach of the law: infamous Alexandria Mall.
The legend of the Alexandria Mall is too long to repeat here, but ask any witness of the midnight skirmish that caused the building to be burned to the ground only to reappear the next morning will tell you how that was only the beginning of the weirdness. Amelia used the doomed machines to start “The Arcade of the Damned,” and began to hunt down additional coin-op games with far more sinister histories.

Custom Sprites
– Illmosis/ScrollBoss: Amelia
– Castlevania: Elizabeth Bartley (Bloodlines)
– Night Slashers: Vampire Boss
– Horror: a new Freddy sprite in the same style as the 2018 Horror print, Nancy Thompson (Elm Street 1 style), Sam (Trick ‘R Treat), the Bishop of Battle (Nightmares). Improved sprites of Michael Myers (Halloween 2 lobby card and sheet disguise sprites) and Mike (Phantasm)
Mini-logos: Trick ‘R Treat and the Bishop of Battle added to movies gallery.
All newness added to the main GFX Generators, where you can make pics like the top of this post!
Previous DTHT 2019 updates
DTHT 2019 pt.1 – Death Lives
DTHT 2019 pt.2 – Half-Man, Half-Beast, All-Horror!
DTHT 2019 pt.3 – Beyond Death