It’s the middle of October, and some of you have already started to get into the spooky season. Here’s a little image generator update to add a bit to the festive mood:

GFX Generators: The Marvel vs. Capcom ending (found in the fighter-sized generator and the MvC generator) now has frames based on Darkstalkers 3 (and the billion other names for the arcade versions/offshoots) with the top of the screen opened up more. Only the red and blue versions for now. Also, the Vampire Savior stages have been added to that and the other screenstyles with stage bg options: Group 384×224, Vs. 384×224, Comics 88×136, and Box Tributes. Also, a few arcade sprites were added to Felicia, Demitri, Donovan and Victor, including all four getting their Midnight Bliss sprites.