September 27th, 2014

Thor the Warrior and Questor the Elf now join the other two O.G.’s (Original Gauntlet) in the site’s custom sprite gallery and GFX Generator. The Generators also have a rendered background based on Gauntlet II, Level 1, so you can add Gauntlet’s starting line-up and add a few more characters. The 16 x 16 in-game Gauntlet font, as seen in the preview screenshot, is in the Generator, too. I also improved Thyra’s palette while adding a brown outfit based on the Gauntlet II title screen.

The new Gauntlet revival game is now available through Steam. I don’t have it yet, but I’m using the game’s release as an excuse to finally make sprites from the game. Of course, the Commodore Amiga version of Gauntlet II was released in 1989, so I’m still covered.

The Beep: A Documentary History of Video Game Music & Sound has three days left to hit more stretch goals. They’ve announced that Yuzo Koshiro (Streets of Rage series, Revenge of Shinobi, Actraiser and many more games), so I’m completely hyped for that. They’ve stacked up an all-star group of OST legends to interview and I’m looking forward to the finished product!

This site will be in a slightly low activity mode until the middle of October, when the monster and horror-related updates will start once again. I’ll be breaking those 1989-only rules for content, but remember that there are enough monster and horror-related games from that year to celebrate. Expect both the unexpected and the expected, though expecting the unexpected also makes it expected, BUT STILL.

3 Responses to “Elf shot the potion, but he did not shoot the deputy”


    Yay, the Gauntlet quartet is now complete. So much appreciation for your custom sprites! :D

    Interesting how the Valkyrie is pretty much the Sophitia of the original arcade and Legends, then she’s dressed more like SC’s Hilde in the remake.

  2. You’re another main reason why I had to make sure I got them finished this year, so I feel like I’ve done okay if you like them!

    That’s a pretty good point about Thyra’s new outfit. The winged helmet and braided hair really sell the Valkyrie description, though they weren’t always depicted that way.

  3. I hope I’m not the only one who sees the Dungeons & Dragons animated series as a loose inspiration on the new character designs the more I watch the trailer… since they’re pretty much Barbarian, Cavalier, Wizard and Ranger right down to the “magic arrow”.

    I’m still glad that the overhead aspect of the original was retained with implementing the 3D element-views of Diablo and Gauntlet Legends.