Happy, Happy Hall-o-ween, Hall-o-ween, Hall-o-ween!
Happy, Happy Hall-o-ween, Sil-ver-Sham-rock!

Custom Sprites:
– Horror
– – Halloween III: trick-or-treaters with Silver Shamrock masks
– – Texas Chainsaw: all-new Leatherface from TCSM 1, Chop Top
– – other: all-new Candyman sprite
– Raven’s Dojo: LOOOONG OVERDUE! The gallery starts with a brand-new Gore Orb sprite based on the brick-breaking character from Raven’s Terror Cube game. Also added are the Dojo comic stars Rodney and Dornail I made to help spread the word about Raven’s comic book Kickstarter from 2012. No, that “long overdue” part was NOT hyperbole. I’ll be reshading these in the future.
from TCM2
– movies: Halloween III
All new items added to the Image Generators, where you can make screenshots like the one at the top of this post!
Here’s the DangerTerrorHorrorThon 2022 video:
It starts with a few clips of things added to the site during this year’s HorrorThon, throws in a few quick sprite displays of things that hadn’t been in a video yet, and then two theme-based displays (including one based on a favorite clip seen in other HorrorThon videos). The rest of the video shows movie-related sprites character-by-character in a display based on the “Horror vs. Horror 2” print, showing the sprites of the select screen characters who have full sprites.
The West Mansion Splatterhouse site has been adding lots of new things recently, but the crown jewel of additions has just dropped an interview Dire conducted with Takashi Oda, the lead character designer of the original Splatterhouse game! He did more than just create Rick and the cast, as he’s also a practical effects designer on a slew of legendary Japanese movies like Tetsuo 2:Body Hammer and Hiruko the Goblin. Dire’s interview with Takashi Oda can be found here.