Yesterday’s update featured full color art of Endless Duck, a character who has popped up on this site ever since his original appearance in a Minus World section page. No picture of Endless Duck since the original Silver Surfer gag pic really ever seemed right to me until this one. Guess that means I’ve run out of excuses to do more with him, hunh? Also, I finished a pic of Princess Toadstool a while back and that will be added to the shop’s print section after I get a test print. I’ve also got new pics of Wonder Woman, Spider-Man Miles Morales and Zoom (CW Flash version). Between doing those and working on commission sprites (and you’ll see some of those soon), I’ve been busy. Oh, I almost forgot…

… the Masters of the Universe print I made for the Gallery1988 official Mattel art show! Curator (and creator of some of the cutest art you’ll ever see) Cuddly Rigor Mortis put a great show together, so be sure to browse that site’s gallery if you’re a fan of MotU (and She-Ra), Barbie, Street Sharks, Monster High and other Mattel joints. Even the classic electronic sports handhelds got some love! Unfortunately, my print was sold out (I couldn’t get a lot of prints made at the time of the deadline), but, thanks to the help of friend and talking with the curator, there’ll be news on that later on.
I’ll be at the All Americon convention in Youngstown, Ohio, but only on Saturday, July 8th. All AmeriCon is a two-day event this year, but circumstances (and day-job work) means that I can only make it there on Saturday. Also, while I won’t have a lot of the 17 x 11 pixel art prints, I’ve got the 10 x 8 pics seen in this site’s shop and some small mini-prints you haven’t seen yet. I know of at least one seller of old video games will be there and other people in Artist’s Alley will have video game-themed stuff, so don’t feel that you’ve got to be a comic fan to have fun there!
We’re 12 days away from the 17th anniversary of this site, but I’m going to warn you ahead of time that it won’t be as big as last year’s blow-out. I’ve been working almost non-stop on either commissions (most of it) or line art (just a bit) since February and I haven’t had a lot of extra time to work on the site. I still plan to make it worth your while to stop in on July 19th, so don’t forget to come back around that time to join in the fun!