October 31st, 2023

One last bit of business before the DangerTerrorHorrorThon is done haunting the site for this year. If you’re a regular visitor, you probably knew that the only thing left was a new video, but I hope you still get some surprises out of this one. You already got a clue about one earlier in the HorrorThon. Happy Halloween!

3 Responses to “DangerTerrorHorrorThon 2023 – part 3”

  1. As always, DangerTerrorHorrorThon did not disappoint!

    Are you going to add a brighter palette-swap for Toxie? I’d love to see your take on his Toxic Crusaders or figure incarnation.

  2. Glad you dug it, Eddie! There are a few finished and unfinished things I left out that’ll pop up elsewhere, including a sprite (and mini-logo) that’ll appear in the toy-themed update later this year.

    I definitely plan to add some variations and palettes to Toxie, especially with that official beat ’em up on the way. Toxic Avenger 2 is my favorite of the series, so I kinda leaned towards that one for him. But I need to get those flicks on disc so I can get better reference shots.

  3. Something need to be fixed again :
    Some characters in ‘Samurai Shodown’ category are deleted …