Games from the shootemup genre
Flashgal | JPN:1985 |
arcade | Sega | Beat 'em up, Shoot 'em up |
G.I. JOE | USA:1992 |
arcade | Konami | Shoot 'em up |
NARC | USA:1988 |
arcade | Williams | Shoot 'em up, Run 'n gun |
Quartet | USA:1986 |
Arcade | Sega | Shoot 'em up, Run 'n gun |
RoboCop | USA:1988 |
arcade | Data East | Platformer, Shoot 'em up, Run and gun |
Super Contra | USA:1988 |
arcade | Konami | Shoot 'em up, Run and gun |
Xenophobe | USA:1987 |
arcade | Bally Midway | Shoot 'em up |
This isn't meant to be a complete game database. Check out Moby Games and Games Database for more information and a wider selection of games.
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