Golden Axe II (genesis)
200x100 GFX Company: Sega
Genre: Hack and slash
Released: USA: 1991 JPN: 1991
Player Characters:
Ax Battler Tyris Flare Gilius Thunderhead
Enemy Characters:
Dark Guld
Screenshots (click to see full-sized):
Start Screen Character Select Gilius and Tyris Flare in 2-player action. Tyris summons a dragon to burn her enemies to a crisp. The Duel - Gilius vs. Ax Battler
Game also appears in:
Sega Genesis Collection
ScrollBoss Section Links:
Sprites - Sprites from Golden Axe II
Custom Sprites - Golden Axe gallery
Mugen Items - MugenBoss
Tips and Cheats - Tips
Logos - Logo

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