Golden Axe (genesis)
200x100 GFX Company: Sega
Genre: Hack and slash
Released: USA: 1989 JPN: 1989
Player Characters:
Ax Battler Tyris Flare Gilius Thunderhead
Enemy Characters:
Death Adder Death Bringer
Other Characters:
Screenshots (click to see full-sized):
Start Screen Character Select Screen. Gilius and Tyris in stage 1. Turtle Village. Turtle Village. Ax Battler takes the low ground advantage. Be sure to knock those bottles toward the middle of the screen. Ax makes his way through a Genesis-only stage. More of the Genesis-exclusive stage. You get some info about the characters if you complete the game. The Duel Tyris vs. Ax Battler
Game also appears in:
Sega Genesis Collection
ScrollBoss Section Links:
Sprites - Sprites from Golden Axe
Review - Review
Custom Sprites - Golden Axe gallery
Mugen Items - MugenBoss
Tips and Cheats - Tips
MK Armageddon KAF - Tyris Flare (from part 1)
Logos - Logo
Mini Logos - Golden Axe-related mini-logos in the Sega section

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