Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (genesis)
200x100 GFX Company: Sega
Genre: Platformer
Released: USA: 1989
From the intro:
Hi! I'm Alex "Kidd". I live on the Planet Aries. My brother, Igul, is king. Frankly, my life was uneventful. But then I heard a rumor! My lost father, King Thor, was alive on the planet Paperock! Why is it named "Paperock?" Because everyone there is an expert at the game called "Paper, rock, scissors!" If a visitor is no good at that game, he won't last long! My family didn't want me to go. But I have to find out. Is my father still alive?!?
Player Characters:
Alex Kidd
Enemy Characters:
Ashra Queen of the Oasis Wizard
Other Characters:
King Thor
Screenshots (click to see full-sized):
Title Screen Sadly, this wasn't the last time Alex Kidd's progress was stopped by a hedgehog. Two men Janken, one man leaves! Or woman. A Gorilla, sometimes! And bears, also maybe. Two men Janken, one man leaves! Or woman. A Gorilla, sometimes! And bears, also maybe. A saucy challenger emerges!
Game also appears in:
Sega Genesis Collection
ScrollBoss Section Links:
Sprites - Sprites
Custom Sprites - Alex Kidd series
Minus World - Minus World
Logos - Logo
Mini Logos - Sega mini-logos

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