Games included:
Superman (arcade),
Superman (Atari 2600),
Batman: the Video Game (NES),
Justice League Task Force (SNES),
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Credits: Capcom,

Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batgirl, Supergirl

Green Arrow, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Flash (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and Wally West)

the Atom, Black Canary, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle Captain Marvel/Shazam

Firestorm, Fire, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Lois Lane, Martian Manhunter

Peacemaker, Power Girl, Red Tornado, Steel, Vixen, Zatanna

the Justice League
Green Lantern Corps

lanterns with separate galleries: Arisia, Guy Gardner, Katma Tui, Kilowog

Kyle Rayner, Medphyll, Eddore, Tomar-Re/Tomar-Tu

Amanda Waller, Apollo, Big Barda, Elongated Man, Icon, Impulse, Joan Williams, Orion, Plastic Man, Swamp Thing, Stargirl/Star Spangled Kid, Static

Super-Friends: Wonder Twins Jan & Zayna

Teen Titans: Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire

Tiny Titans, based on Art Baltazar's art style

Superman, Player 2, unused character found in ROM

drones, Emperor Zaas
All characters and concpets © their respective owners. ScrollBoss and all it's unique concepts, designs and text © James Beaver.
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