Games included:
Rushing Beat (SFAM),
Brawl Brothers (SNES),
Rushing Beat Ran(SFAM)

Rick Norton a.k.a. Jack Flak (Rival Turf), Hack (Brawl Brothers)

Older CvS Terry/Kim Kaphwan edits

Douglas Bild a.k.a. Oozie Nelson (Rival Turf), Slash (Brawl Brothers)

old edits: CvS Yamazaki + CvS Bison's hat


old SFA Guy + MvC Strider Hiryu edits

Wendy Milan

older edits with parts from SFA R.Mika

Lord J

older sprite, traced over re-sized sprite
Brawl Brothers/Rushing Beat Ran enemies

Kamikaze, Ride

Zero and Phantom


older edits: Dieter/Iceman (CvS Eagle edit), Kamikaze and Ride (CvS Benimaru?)
All characters and concpets © their respective owners. ScrollBoss and all it's unique concepts, designs and text © James Beaver.
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