Games that start with T

the Adventures of Bayou BillyUSA:1989
NES Konami Beat 'em up
The King of DragonsUSA:1991
Arcade Capcom Hack and slash
The Legend of ZeldaUSA:1986
nes Nintendo Action RPG
the Ninja KidsUSA:1990
arcade Taito Beat 'em up
the PunisherUSA:1993
arcade Capcom Beat 'em up
The Revenge of ShinobiUSA:1989
genesis Sega Platformer
Taito LegendsUSA:2005
ps2 Taito Compilation
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesUSA:1989
arcade Konami Beat 'em up
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in TimeUSA:1992
snes Konami Beat 'em up
nes Capcom Hack and slash
The Uncanny X-MenUSA:1989
nes LJN Maze

This isn't meant to be a complete game database. Check out Moby Games and Games Database for more information and a wider selection of games.

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