Custom Sprites: Final Fight
Games included: Final Fight, Final Fight 2, Final Fight 3

Credits: Capcom, Clement, Kiwi, PrimeOp, SNK, C4ncel

Sub-gallery: Poison and Roxy
Poison: scratch-made, USF4 stance, Final Fight outfit Poison: scratch-made, USF4 stance, Final Fight CD outfit Poison: scratch-made, USF4 stance, Final Fight outfit Poison: scratch-made, Street Fighter V stance, Final Fight outfit Poison: scratch-made, Street Fighter V stance, Final Fight with blue shorts Poison: scratch-made, Street Fighter V stance, Capcom Fighting All-Stars alt Poison: scratch-made, Street Fighter V stance, SFV outfit Poison: 2024 scratch-made, back turned pose based partially on official art, Final Fight outfit
Poison (scratch-made)
Roxy: scratch-made, USF4 stance, Final Fight outfit Roxy: scratch-made, USF4 stance, Final Fight CD outfit Roxy: scratch-made, Street Fighter V stance Poison: 2024 scratch-made, back turned pose based partially on official art, Final Fight outfit
Roxy (scratch-made)
Marquee Poison: scratch-made, Street Fighter V stance, Final Fight marquee character
Character from Frank Cirocco's bezel art for the US arcade game (scratch-made)

Poison: 2006 edit, Final Fight outfit Poison: 2006 edit, Capcom Fighting All-Stars outfit Poison: 2003 edit (XMvsSF/SFA3 Cammy base) Roxy: 2006 edit, Final Fight outfit Roxy: 2006 edit, Capcom Fighting All-Stars outfit Roxy: 2003 edit (XMvsSF/SFA3 Cammy base)
Poison and Roxy (old edits, SF3 Poison or SFA Cammy base)

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